This is a translation of a short
essay “Makaanatu ‘Eesaa fil-Islaam” (The Status of Jesus in Islaam) written by
Dr. Rabee’ bin Haadee Al-Madkhalee, a Muslim religious scholar from Saudi
Arabia. The source used for thistranslation was the on-line version of the book
The Status of Jesus in Islam.
All praise be to Allaah,1 and may His peace and
blessings be on His Messenger (Muhammad), as well as his family, Companions and
those who follow his guidance.
To proceed:
All of the nations are in agreement
that God alone is the One who created this
universe with its heavens and earth,
as well as everything that lies between them and
within them, such as the angels, jinn2 and mankind.
And they acknowledge that He is the
One who governs and administers this universe,
and that everything in existence is
subjected to His Will and Power, but yet in spite of
this, He maintains it with Gentleness,
Mercy and Wisdom.
He has entrusted every sane adult with
worshipping Him and obeying His commands.
And it is for this reason that He
created them, as He says: “And I did not
or the jinn except to worship Me. I do not seek any provision from them
nor do I ask that they should feed Me. Verily, Allaah is the
All-Provider, Owner of
Power, the Most Strong.” [Qur’aan 51:56-58]
So He provided them with the necessary
tools they would need to carry out this
responsibility – of worshipping Him –
such as upright innate natures and rational and
conscious intellects. And He subjected
the heavens and the earth to serve them.
And He sent them noble messengers
every time the Devil and his helpers diverted
away from the objective for which they were created, such as towards
Translator’s Note: Allaah is the
proper name for God, the Creator of everything that exists. When
reading the name
Allaah throughout this essay, notions of an idol, statue or human being should
come to mind. God
has referred to Himself as Allaah in the Qur’aan, and it is by this name that
Muslims call Him.
So it refers to the Creator, Sustainer, and Administrator of everything in
and not a man,
concept or idol. The words Allaah and God will be used interchangeably
throughout this
essay when
appropriate to make for easier reading for Non-Muslims who are not accustomed
with the
name Allaah.
Translator’s Note: The jinn are a
separate species created by God from a smokeless flame of fire.
They are part of
the Unseen and information concerning them has been revealed to us in the
Qur’aan. In
fact, the Devil, is
one from among the jinn. Contrary to western beliefs, the Devil is not a
“fallen” angel,
but rather a jinnee
(singular of jinn), who refused to obey God in humbling himself before His
of Adam, and was
thus cast out and rejected. God created the angels to obey Him, as He says: “They
disobey Allaah in what He commands of them, and they do what they are ordered
to do.”
[Qur’aan 66:6]
polytheism, the worship of him (i.e.
the Devil), and the abandonment of God’s Straight
At the head of these noble messengers
were those who possessed strong will and
determination, and they were:
Muhammad, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Noah, may
God send the best of His peace and
blessings on them.
Allaah says: “He has ordained for you the same religion that He ordained for
Noah and which We revealed to you (O Muhammad) and ordained for
Moses and Jesus – that you should establish the Religion and
make no
divisions in it. Intolerable for the polytheists is that which
you call them to.
Allaah chooses for Himself whom He wills and guides unto Himself
those who
turn to Him in repentance and obedience.” [Qur’aan 42:13]
So all of the messengers – especially
those who were mentioned above – their religion
was one, and it was Islaam; there
being no religion besides it that they ascribed to. 3
Allaah says: “Verily the only Religion acceptable in the sight of Allaah is
[Qur’aan 3:19]
And He says: “And whoever desires other than Islaam as his religion, it will
be accepted from him and in the Hereafter, he will be from among
the losers.”
[Qur’aan 3:85]
And He says: “O Messengers! Eat from the good lawful foods and do righteous
deeds. Verily, I am Well-Acquainted with what you do.” [Qur’aan 23:51]
And Allaah says: “Verily, this nation of yours is one (Muslim) nation, and I am
your Lord, so worship Me alone.” [Qur’aan 21:92]
The word “nation” here refers to religion. So this means that their
religion is one and
it is Islaam, which consists of making
one’s worship sincere and solely for God, the
One and Indivisible.
Translator’s Note: Islaam is an Arabic
word that means to surrender and submit one’s will. This is
what the Religion
of Islaam entails in that when one adheres to Islaam as a Muslim, he submits
his will
to the Will of the
one true God, Allaah. So whatever God requires of him, he abides by it without
doubting it or
fighting against it. A Muslim has two sources from which his religion is
derived – 1. The
Qur’aan, and 2. The
teachings of Prophet Muhammad, known as the Sunnah. As a Muslim, one must
follow the
Commandments and avoid the Prohibitions mentioned in these sources of
revelation, thus
submitting to the Command of God.
All created beings are servants of
God, and amongst these created beings are the
noble messengers, which include those
messengers of strong will and determination:
Muhammad, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and
Noah. So they are in fact God’s servants –
He created them so that they may
worship Him and call the people to worship Him.
Therefore, God is the Lord and
Creator, and He is the One deserving of being
worshipped. No created being from
amongst all of His creations shares, partakes in or
assists Him in even the smallest
aspect of this universe, whether with respect to its
creation, sustenance, bringing to life
(of things) or causing things to die. Nothing
commingles with Him in any of His
Attributes of Lordship and Divinity and His Perfect
and Most High descriptions.
“Say: He is Allaah, the One (Indivisible). Allaah is the
Self-Sufficient (in need of
nothing). He begets not nor was He begotten. And there is no one
co-equal or
comparable to Him.” [Qur’aan 112:1-4]
After having made this introduction,
our objective here is to clarify and explain the
condition of the noble messenger of
God, Jesus, son of Mary, and his status in Islaam.
This honorable prophet holds a great
position in Islaam, which the Jews and Christians
are either unaware of or purposely
neglect in their daily lives, beliefs and writings.
Islaam has substantiated his great
role, which has been confirmed in the best, most
complete and just of manners in
several clear verses of the Qur’aan. Every pure and
uncorrupt intellect should not accept
anything except that which Islaam has affirmed
for this Prophet, whilst rejecting
everything that contradicts that, such as what the
Jews affirm from slander against him
and his mother, and what the Christians affirm
from exaggerating about him and
deifying him at times by considering him to be the
son of God or God (Himself) or part of
a divine trinity, and at times by debasing and
mutilating him (i.e. on the Cross),
all of which indicates misguidance and deviation in
the religion and mind.
God has related to us the best and
most marvelous of stories concerning Jesus and
his mother, from the beginning of
their ordeal going through the various stages of their
lives, clarifying it in depth. So the
believers from among the followers of Muhammad
believed in all of this and gave Jesus
and his mother the status they deserved and
welcomed them with the highest level
of honor.
In the same manner, they welcomed all
of the other prophets and messengers and
believed in them. In fact, Islaam has
established believing in them as being one of the
major pillars of Faith. And
furthermore, it holds that whoever belittles any of the prophets in any manner,
has committed disbelief and leaves from the fold of Islaam.
So what about those who disbelieve in
them or even one from among them?! God has
praised Jesus and his mother, the
Virgin Mary, in many chapters of the Qur’aan. We
will mention some examples from some
of these chapters. He says in Chapter 3 of the
noble Qur’aan:
1. “Allaah indeed chose Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham and
the family of
‘Imraan over mankind (of their time). Offspring, one of the
other, and Allaah is
All-Hearing, All-Knowing. (Remember) when the wife of ‘Imraan
said: ‘O my
Lord! I have vowed to You that the child in my womb will be
dedicated to Your
services, so accept this from me. Verily, You are the
All-Hearing, the All-
Knowing.’ Then when she gave birth to her daughter (Mary), she
said: ‘O my
Lord! I have given birth to a female child’ – whereas Allaah
knew better what she
delivered – ‘And the male is not like the female. I have named
her Mary and I
seek refuge in You for her and for her offspring from the
outcast Devil.’ So her
Lord accepted her (supplication) with a good acceptance, and He
caused her
(Mary) to grow up in a good manner and put her under the care of
Every time he would enter her room to visit her, he would find
that she had
(already) received sustenance. He said: ‘O Mary! From where did
you get this?’
She said: ‘This is from Allaah.’ Verily, Allaah provides to whom
He wills without
limit. At that time Zachariah invoked his Lord saying: ‘Grant me
from You a good
offspring. You indeed are the All-Hearer of invocations.’” [Qur’aan 3:33-38]
The story of Mary begins with this
great connection of mentioning those whom God
chose over mankind, which included the
family of ‘Imraan, who were the parents of
Mary. This is done in order to make it
clear that Mary came from a righteous and noble
family, and that she was part of the
offspring of chosen prophets, and that her mother
was a pious woman. An example of her
piety and righteousness was that she vowed
to offer what was in her womb to the
services of God. She was hoping that it would be
a boy, but instead she gave birth to a
girl. So she returned this matter back to God,
seeking His pardon and asking Him to
protect her daughter and her offspring from the
outcast Devil. So her Lord answered
her supplication and warmly accepted Mary,
causing her to be raised in a good
manner and placing a righteous and merciful
prophet, Zachariah, in charge of
caring for her. This shows that the mother of Jesus
had a tremendous upbringing.
Allaah then continued to grant her
more of His Bounty and Generosity, as He informs
us about this in His saying:
2. “And (remember) when the angels said: ‘O Mary, verily, Allaah
has chosen
and purified you and selected you above all of the other women amongst
mankind. O Mary! Submit yourself with obedience to your Lord and
yourself and bow down (in prayer) along with those who bow.’
This is part of the
news of the Unseen, which We reveal to you (O Muhammad). You
were not with
them when they cast lots with their pens to determine which of
them should be
charged with the care of Mary, nor were you with them when they
[Qur’aan 3:42-44]
So neither Muhammad, the unlettered
nor his
followers were aware of such
tremendous and truthful information
concerning all of the messengers, Mary, her
mother, Zachariah and those who
disputed with him regarding who would care for
Mary. Nor were they aware of Zachariah
winning charge of her after he had drawn lots
with pens with his opponents. They did
not know of how Zachariah welcomed her and
of who used to bring her sustenance
from God as a gift to her, which led Zachariah in
spite of his old age and the
barrenness of his wife to ask God to grant him righteous
offspring. Neither Muhammad nor his
followers were aware of any of this previously. It
is not possible that you will be able
to find such speech bearing the highest level of
splendor and eloquence and which is
nicely phrased and magnificently presented in
the Gospels or anywhere else. This
proves the truthfulness of Prophet Muhammad
and that he was truly a messenger of
Allaah, and this shows that he did not speak
from his own whims, but rather that it
was revelation revealed to him by the Lord of all
Then Allaah continues with the story
of the Virgin Mary and her son, Jesus, the
servant and messenger of God, saying:
3. “(Remember) when the angels said: ‘O Mary! Verily, Allaah
gives you the glad
tidings of a Word from Him (which was ‘Be’ and Jesus was
formed). His name
will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honor in
this world and the
Hereafter. And he will be one of those near to Allaah. He will
speak to the people
while (still) in the cradle and during his (years of) manhood.
And he will be one
of the righteous people.’ She said: ‘O my Lord! How shall I have
a son when no
man has touched me?’ He (Angel Gabriel) said: ‘So it will be,
for Allaah creates
Translator’s Note: It is a
well-documented fact amongst historians and researchers that Muhammad
was an illiterate
man. In fact, he even remained in this condition until his death. He would
revelation from God
through the Angel Gabriel and dictate God’s words to his scribes who would
record it for him.
The Muslims of that time would also memorize the revelation by heart. This is
miracle of God in
that He chose an unlettered man to carry His Message, proving beyond doubt that
would be impossible
for Muhammad to forge the Qur’aan on his own. This is since the Qur’aan
the highest level
of literature, accurate historical facts, amazing scientific facts that have
only been
discovered in
recent times, and many other amazing aspects that would make it impossible for
a man in
his position and time to have produced a
magnificent book like the Qur’aan on his own.
will teach him the Book and the Wisdom, as well as the Torah and
the Gospel.’
And He will make him a messenger to the Tribe of Israel, saying:
‘I have come to
you with a sign from your Lord – that I design for you out of
clay a figure like
that of a bird, then breathe into it and it will turn into a
bird, by God’s
Permission. And I will heal those who are born blind and the
leper, and I shall
bring the dead to life, by God’s Permission. And I will inform
you of what you eat
and what you store in your houses. Surely therein is a sign for
you if you truly
believe. And I have come confirming that which was sent before
me of the
Torah, and to make lawful for you part of what was (previously)
forbidden to
you. And I have come to you with a proof from your Lord. So fear
Allaah and
obey me. Truly, Allaah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him
alone. This is
the Straight Path.’” [Qur’aan 3:45-51]
These verses talk about the beginning
of Jesus’ affair and the manner in which God
created him. It also talks about his
being sent as a messenger to the Tribe of Israel
and the great manners that God granted
him, which proves the truthfulness of his
being a messenger and of him and his
mother being free from what the Jews accused
them of. It is from the common
practice of God when creating humans and animals
that the process of reproduction and
childbirth occur by way of two parents – a male
and a female. However before this, He
had created Adam, the father of mankind, from
clay, i.e. he did not have two
parents. And He created Eve, the mother of mankind,
from a male, without a female – from
the rib of Adam. All of this was from God’s
magnificent signs, which no one in the
earth or the heavens is capable of doing. So
after a long time had passed with
mankind’s existence on earth, God again wanted to
show mankind a new sign that would
prove His great Ability – and that was in the
creation of Jesus, whom He created
from just a female without any male involved.
Mary found news of this strange matter
hard to believe, so the angel Gabriel told her:
it will be, for Allaah creates what He wills. When He decrees a matter, He
need only say: ‘Be, and it is.’”
So every creation no matter how big or
small – from God’s Throne to His footstool to
the heavens and the earth and the
mountains and oceans and what lies in them, not to
mention outer space and what it
contains such as the sun, the moon and the stars – all
of these are brought into existence by
God’s Desire and Will and by His merely saying:
“Be!” So
Glorified and Exalted is He. This is from a great Lord that is All-Able and
Overpowering. Nothing can resist or
hold back from His Desire nor can anything
escape from His Desire. So whatever He
wills comes to pass and whatever He doesn’t
will doesn’t come to pass.
God granted Jesus knowledge, wisdom, the
(divine) message, and miraculous signs
as part of the virtues which He grants
to all of His prophets and messengers. So the
creation of Jesus’ with the Word of
God, “Be”, from only a female, was one of His
miracles that indicated His great
Ability. However, this was preceded by a miracle far
greater than it, which was the
creation of Adam, without any male or female, and the
creation of Eve from the rib of Adam,
without any female. All of this proves the
magnificence and great Ability of God
to the believers with intellects and leads them to
thank, love, glorify, sanctify, honor
and direct all forms of worship to Him alone.
The people who best comprehend this
aspect, implement it in their lives and call
others to it are the noble prophets,
at the head of whom were the five prophets with
strong will and determination, which
includes Jesus. This is asserted in the Qur’aan as
well as in the preserved revelations
that came before it, like the Gospels, before they
were altered and changed. 5
Jesus affirmed and clearly stated that
he was a servant of God and that he was
created and brought up (from
childhood). And he affirmed that God was his Lord,
Master and Creator as well as the
Lord, master and Owner of all other creatures. So
first, he affirmed all of this, then
he called the people to worship this great Lord,
Master, Creator of all that exists and
Owner of all creation, as he said: “Truly,
is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him alone. This is the
Straight Path.” And
before that, he said: “So fear Allaah and obey me.”
So God alone is the One who deserves
to be feared and obeyed. All of the prophets
including Jesus called to this, and
God assisted them with amazing miraculous signs
as proof for the truthfulness of what
they brought. So mankind had no choice after all
of this except to answer the call of
the messengers and obey them in that which they
conveyed from God from His revelation,
which consisted of the command to believe in
only Him and make all the worship
strictly for Him alone (apart from false gods).
Translator’s Note: Allaah says in the
Qur’aan: “Do you (faithful believers) think
that they will
in your religion in spite of the fact that a party of them used to hear the
Word of God, then
it knowingly after they understood it?” [Qur’aan 2:75] And
He says: “So woe be to those
write the Book with their own hands, then say: ‘This is from God’ – to purchase
with it a
price.” [Qur’aan 2:79] This shows that the revealed books were changed
and altered after their
messengers had passed on. This was the case with the Jews, who changed the
Torah after
Moses died to
conform to their whims, and the Christians, who changed the Gospels after Jesus
raised unto God.
Proof for this is as evident as the moon on a clear night, for one only needs
to refer to
the various
editions/translations/versions of the Bible that exist in circulation today,
not to mention the
contradictions that can be found in the
Bible, as documented by even major Christian theologians.
The point derived from these revealed
texts is that God informs us in them that Jesus,
as well other prophets beside him,
hold a great position in Islaam. And they contain
information that his creation and the
creation of his mother came about from the
highest form of purity and that they
both came from families that were firmly upon
Islaam and a pure state. These verses
also contain mention of his Message, his
miracles, and his call to believe in
God’s Lordship, to worship Him, fear Him and be
dutiful to Him.
This speech concerning Jesus is just
like God’s speech concerning Adam and all of
the messengers, with regard to their
history, manners and call. They are true stories,
there being no folklore or
exaggeration in them at all. Muhammad and his followers
believed this and loved the prophets
from the bottom of their hearts. And they honored
and respected all of the prophets
amongst whom was Jesus, peace be upon him. And
they held this to be one of the
fundamental beliefs of their Religion, as Allaah says:
“The Messenger (Muhammad) believes in what has been sent down to
him from
his Lord, and so do the believers. Each one believes in Allaah,
His Angels, His
Books and His Messengers. (They say): ‘We make no distinction
between one
another of His Messengers’, and they say: ‘We hear and we obey.
(We seek)
Your Forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the return.’” [Qur’aan 2:285]
And He says:
4. “And remember in the Book, (the story of) Mary, when she
withdrew in
seclusion from her family to a place facing east and placed a
screen (to screen
herself) from them. Then We sent to her Our spirit (the angel
Gabriel), and he
appeared before her in the form of a man, in all respects. She
said: ‘Verily, I seek
refuge in the Most Gracious (Allaah) from you, if you do fear
Allaah.’ He (the
angel) said: ‘I am only a messenger from your Lord, (to
announce) to you the gift
of a righteous son.’ She said: ‘How can I have a son when no man
has touched
me, nor am I unchaste?’ He said: ‘So it will be. Your Lord said:
‘That is easy for
Me. And We wish to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy
from Us. And
it is a matter already decreed.’ So she conceived him,6 and withdrew with him to
a far away place (Bethlehem valley). The pains of childbirth
were such that it
drove her to the trunk of a date-palm tree. She said: ‘Would
that I had died
before this, and had been forgotten and out of sight!’ Then (the
baby Jesus)
cried out to her from below her, saying: ‘Grieve not, your Lord
has provided a
water stream under you. Shake the trunk of the date-palm tree
towards you, it
Translator’s Note: Allaah explains
Mary’s conception of Jesus in another verse of the Qur’aan,
saying: “And
remember she who guarded her chastity, We breathed into (the sleeves of) her
[through Angel Gabriel], and made her and her son (Jesus) a sign for mankind.” [Qur’aan
will drop fresh ripe dates before you. So eat and drink and be
glad. And if you
see any human being, say: Verily, I have vowed a fast unto the
Most Gracious,
so I shall not speak to any human being this day.’ Then she
brought him (the
baby) to her people, carrying him. They said: ‘O Mary, indeed
you have brought
forth a tremendous thing! O (the likes of the) sister of Aaron!7 Your father was
not a man who would commit adultery, nor was your mother an
woman.’ So she pointed to the baby. They said: ‘How can we talk
to one who is a
child in the cradle?’ He (Jesus) said (to them): ‘Verily, I am a
slave of Allaah. He
has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet. And He has
made me
blessed wherever I may be. And He has enjoined on me prayer and
the giving of
charity for as long as I live. And (He has enjoined me) to be
dutiful to my mother,
and He has not made me arrogant and wretched. And peace be upon
me the day
I was born, the day I shall die, and the day I will be raised
alive.’ Such is Jesus,
son of Mary. This is a statement of truth about which they
doubt. It is not
befitting to Allaah that He should beget a son. Far removed and
exalted is He
above such a thing! When He decrees a matter, He need only say:
‘Be’ to it and it
is. (Jesus said): ‘Verily, Allaah is my Lord and your Lord, so
worship Him alone.
This is the Straight Path.’ Then the (Christian) sects differed
themselves, so woe unto the disbelievers from the meeting of a
great Day (i.e.
the Day of Resurrection). How clearly will they (the
disbelievers) see and hear –
the Day when they will appear before Us! But the wrongdoers
today are in
manifest error!” [Qur’aan 19:16-38]
This true story explains what happened
to Mary after God had raised her in a good
manner with the care she received from
that noble prophet (i.e. Zachariah) and after
she had become reputed as a pious
worshipper that was pure, chaste and honorable.
So the time, which God designated to
carry out His Will by creating Jesus in the
manner He informed us He would, had
now come: “Then We8 sent
to her Our spirit,
and he appeared before her in the form of a man, in all
This refers to the angel Gabriel. So
at the time this (miraculous) event took place, this
pure and chaste woman had set out to
devote herself to worshipping God, and she
had placed a screen in front of her
for this purpose in order to protect her honor and
chastity and so that she can establish
her worship. Then lo and behold, a human that
was well-proportioned in his form and
beauty suddenly appeared before her. So she
Translator’s Note: This does not refer
to the Aaron, the brother of Moses, but rather to a pious man
who lived at the
time of Mary.
Translator’s Note: Throughout the
Qur’aan, Allaah (God) refers to Himself in the plural form, such
as by saying We, Us
and Our. This, from a literary standpoint, is to show His Grandeur and Majesty,
similar to the
royal “We” used in the English Language. It does not mean that Allaah refers to
himself as
being a pluralistic God or that He is part
of a trinity, etc.
demonstrated the signs of her chastity
and modesty in this instance, saying: “Verily,
seek refuge in the Most Gracious (Allaah) from you, if you do
fear Allaah.”
Such a statement could only come from
the heart of a true believer that seeks refuge
and solace in God during times of
grief and difficulty. And in her saying, she reminds
and alerts (the angel in the form of a
man) to be fearful of God. All of this was done in
order to repel what occurred to her
from this frightening and dangerous ordeal.
Then the noble messenger (Gabriel)
gave her news that caused her fear to be
removed and her heart to find
tranquility: “I am only a messenger from your Lord,
(to announce) to you the gift of a righteous son.” So she replied in
“How can I have a son when no man has touched me, nor am I
This is the normal way that children
are conceived (i.e. through cohabitation). So the
angel informed her: “So it will be. Your Lord said: ‘That is easy for Me. And We
wish to appoint him as a sign to mankind and a mercy from Us.’”
So creating the universe and all that
it contains within it is something easy for God, as
He says: “The creation of you all and the resurrection of you all is
nothing more
than like the (creation and resurrection) of a single person.” [Qur’aan 31:28]
So this spirit blew (the life of
Jesus) into her. And he was the angel Gabriel whom God
sent for this great task to carry out
His Command. So she conceived him, and
withdrew with the baby in her womb to
a far away place. There she gave birth to her
child and was faced with the problem
that any chaste and honorable woman like her
would feel (i.e. slander of being a
fornicator), so she wished she were dead. Then
there came that which removed her fear
and anxiety: “(The baby Jesus) cried out to
her from below her, saying: ‘Grieve not, your Lord has provided
a water stream
under you.”
These were signs and miracles that
increased her reliance, tranquility and faith in the
fact that God would protect her,
demonstrate that she was free from any claims of
fornication, and manifest her honor
and nobility. So all she needed to do was point to
this infant that the slanderers used
as a means to accuse her of fornication. “They
said: ‘How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?’”
So this child, whose speech they
disregarded, startled them while he was still in his
cradle through that amazing miracle,
saying to them: “Verily, I am a slave of Allaah.
He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet. And He has
made me
blessed wherever I may be. And He has enjoined on me prayer and
giving of
charity for as long as I live. And (He has enjoined me) to be
dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me arrogant and wretched. And peace
be upon me the day
I was born, the day I shall die, and the day I will be raised
These are truly some of Allaah’s
incredible verses, in which He discusses the way
Jesus was conceived and born and how
he absolved his Virgin Mother from slander.
Then these amazing verses provide an
explanation of the mission and message of
Jesus. Part of Jesus’ great message
was to clarify to the people that he was a servant
of God, and remarkably, this was the
first thing he said when he spoke to the people
(from the cradle). The second thing he
mentioned in his speech was his Message,
saying: “He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet.” Then the third
thing he talked about was the effects
of his call: “And He has made me blessed
wherever I may be.”
Then he went on to explain His
religious laws and the religious laws of those
messengers that came before him,
saying: “And He has enjoined on me prayer and
the giving of charity for as long as I live.”
Then he talked about his beautiful characteristics,
such as being righteous and dutiful,
and how God did not give him the
characteristics of the arrogant and wretched: “And
(He has enjoined me) to be dutiful to my mother, and He has not
made me
arrogant and wretched.”
Then Allaah comments on everything he
mentioned previously about Jesus and his
mother, saying: “Such is Jesus, son of Mary. This is a statement of truth about
which they doubt.
This is the true and definitive
statement from the Lord who created Jesus and
everyone else – the One who is
All-Knowing and All-Aware of every miniscule and
magnificent aspect of this universe
and mankind, amongst whom was Jesus. Allaah
has indeed stated the truth about him,
which cannot be blemished by the smallest
speck of falsehood that the liars from
amongst those doubtful and deviant individuals
state about him. Allaah has spoken the
truth about him, which every person with an
uncorrupted intellect and pure innate
understanding will accept. This is also what all of
the previous religious laws spoke about
and that which the believers adhered to.
So all of these events that occurred,
such as the angel Gabriel breathing into (the
sleeve of) Jesus’ mother, then her
conceiving him and giving birth to him, the pains
and hardships his mother faced because
of that, her being absolved from these
hardships by Allaah causing her child
to speak from the cradle, which proved that she
was free from blame and which also
proved that he was one of the slaves of God that
He chose to be His prophet and
messenger and to receive His Book, as well as his being mandated with the same
tremendous religious laws that the prophets and
messengers before him were mandated
with, such as establishing the prayer, giving
charity and being dutiful – all of
this is the established and confirmed truth. And any
claims and allegations that contradict
this are false. So the attacks and accusations
forged by the Jews against Jesus and
his mother are all lies. And the claims made by
their opponents – the Christians –
with respect to Jesus alleging that he was God or
the son of God or part of a divine
trinity are also falsehood and misguidance, which no
upright intellect, religious law or
innate nature will accept.
The truth with regard to this matter
is that which has been stated by God, the One who
created Jesus and everyone else from
beginning to end – jinn and mankind – for the
purpose of worshipping Him. And He is
the One who chose him as a slave and
messenger, just as He chose others to
carry and convey his Message to mankind, so
that they may actualize the objective
for which they were created – and that is to
worship God alone and to make the
religion sincerely for His sake.
Jesus indeed conveyed His Message in
the best of manners, and he was at the
forefront from his nation of those who
worshipped and submitted themselves to God,
speaking the truth openly from the
time when he was in his cradle to his years of
manhood up to the point when God
raised him up to Him. 9
This is the status of the prophet and
messenger of God, Jesus, peace be upon him, in
Islaam and according to the Muslim
nations. So this is the truth and anything else
beside it is a lie and misguidance.
Translator’s Note: Contrary to
Christian beliefs, Muslims believe that Jesus was not crucified, but
rather that someone
else was made to resemble him and crucified instead of him. The Qur’aan states
he was raised up to
the heavens where he will await until the day when he will be sent back to
towards the end of
time. Allaah says: “And because of their (Jews) saying
boastfully: ‘We killed the
Jesus, son of Mary, Messenger of God.’ But they killed him not nor did they
crucify him,
rather the resemblance of Jesus was put in another man (and they killed that
man). And those
differ therein are full of doubts. They have no certain knowledge; they follow
nothing but
for surely they killed him not. Rather, Allaah raised him up (body and soul)
And Allaah is Ever All-Powerful, Most Wise. And there is none of the People of
(i.e. Jews and Christians), except that he will surely believe in Him (that he
was really a
of God) before his (Jesus’) death. And on the Day of Resurrection he will be a
them.” [Qur’aan 4:157-159] The Prophet Muhammad has prophesied that
Jesus will return and
judge mankind with
justice. He will descend by the white minaret in the east of Damascus, placing
hands upon the
wings of two angels, and will fight against the Antichrist (Dajjaal) until he
reaches him
by the gate of Ludd (present-day Israel),
where he will kill him.
God is not in need of begetting a son.
Attributing a child to Him is from the greatest
forms of disbelief and misguidance,
since it constitutes the highest level of insult and
deficiency being ascribed to His
Honor, Greatness and Lordship. This is since
everything apart from God (the
Creator) can only be one of His creations, and all of
His creations submit themselves to His
Honor and Grandness and are mandated to
worship Him, whereas God is divine and
free of begetting a child. This is why Allaah
says to those who ascribe a child to
Him, and His speech is the truth: “You
indeed brought forth something very terrible (i.e. an evil
statement) – due to
which the heavens are ready to tear apart, the earth split
asunder, and the
mountains fall in ruins. It is that they ascribe a child to the
Most Merciful (i.e.
God). However, it is not befitting for the (Majesty of the) Most
Merciful that he
should beget a child. There is none in the heavens and the earth
except that he
comes unto the Most Merciful as a servant. Verily, He knows each
one of them,
and has counted them a full counting. And each one of them will
come to Him on
the Day of Resurrection alone (and without any helpers).” [Qur’aan 19:89-95]
And He says: “Say: He is Allaah, the One (Indivisible). Allaah is the
(in need of nothing). He begets not nor was He begotten. And
there is no one coequal
or comparable to Him.” [Qur’aan 112:1-4]
Allaah said, talking to Prophet
Muhammad: “And warn those who say: ‘God has
begotten a child.’ No knowledge have they of such a thing, nor
their fathers.
Abominable is the statement that comes out of their mouths. They
utter nothing
but a lie.” [Qur’aan 18:4-5]
So anyone that claims that God has a
son is speaking nothing but lies, regardless of
whether they are Arabs, who say that
the angels are God’s daughters, or Buddhists
and Brahmans, who claim that for
Buddha and Brahma, or the Christians, who claim
that Jesus is the son of God, God
Himself or part of a divine trinity. All of these are lies
and fabrications on God. And in spite
of this, all of these groups reject and deny each
other – no group (amongst those
mentioned above) accepts the views of their
opponents. So the lies and
fabrications are removed due to the fact that these groups
all disbelieve in each other, and
because of the fact that the Qur’aan, Islaam and
Muslims disbelieve in them and their
false claims, as do all upright minds and innate
And all that remains is the clear
truth that God informed us of in His miraculous Book,
which falsehood cannot enter whether
from in front of it or behind it. This is the
magnificent Book (i.e. the Qur’aan),
which Allaah uses to challenge the jinn and
mankind to bring forth a book equal to
it or ten chapters similar to it or at least one chapter similar to it. But
they were unable to do this for more than 14 centuries. And
they will never be able to accomplish
this until the Day of Judgement. 10
So what truer and stronger proof is
there than the fact that the neither the jinn or
mankind were able to produce any part
of that Book that was brought by an unlettered
man who could neither read or write
(i.e. the Prophet Muhammad)? This proves that
whatever He said about Jesus is the
truth, and everything beyond it is nothing but
The point derived from this is that
the Qur’aan has given Jesus his due right and
granted him the honorable position
that he deserves. And it has ensured that he will
always be mentioned truthfully in a
Qur’aan (revealed Book) that is read repeatedly by
Muslims in their homes and in their
mosques, since they recite verses from the
Qur’aan related to Jesus in their
prayers. This is the case with all of the other prophets
and messengers of God.
Shouldn’t all of this that Islaam and
the Muslims adhere to serve as an invitation for
the Christians, particularly the
rulers, popes, priests, monks and educators amongst
them, to reflect, ponder and
re-examine their stance towards Muhammad and the
great and miraculous Book he came
with, as well as their stance towards his followers
who believed in Jesus as a prophet and
messenger and in the (undistorted) Scripture
that was revealed to him? This would
hopefully lead to them in turn showing respect
and honor for Muhammad, and to being
just towards him and giving him the position
he deserves amongst the prophets and
messengers. So where is the return of
Is it a return of friendly gesture
that they put their hands in the hands of the Jews, who
disbelieved in Jesus, denied him and slandered him and
his mother with the vilest of
Translator’s Note: This is one of the
greatest challenges of Allaah and it proves that the Qur’aan is
truly a revelation
from God. If one studies the history of Islaam, he will see that Prophet Muhammad,
unlettered man from
the lands of Arabia, challenged the hierarchical system of the pagan Arabs at
time with the pure
religion of Islaam, whose followers grew in numbers as the years progressed.
“new religion” at
that time was a direct threat to the power of the pagan Arabs who ruled over
and led them to
eventually wage war against him and his followers when their strength
increased. Had
Muhammad’s religion
and revelation from God been false, all these rulers had to do was hire the
poets and writers
of their times to produce a book, ten chapters or even one chapter similar to
Qur’aan. By doing
this, they would have avoided long wars, monetary loss, removal of power,
destruction and
eventual humiliation. But the true fact is that they were not able to do it,
since the
Qur’aan was
revealed from God, and those (Arabs) who read it, for the most part saw its
nature in terms of
its written format, detail in description, and topics it covered, and accepted
it as the
true word of God.
slanders and accusations? Aren’t they
the ones who held the worst form of enmity
towards him from the time he was born
up to this very day of ours? Aren’t they the
ones who treated his followers with
oppression and transgression, the likes of which
would make one’s skin shiver?
And they corrupted his Creed and his
Religion as part of their scheme and plot,
making Jesus, may Allaah free him from
this, into a myth of him being God or the son
of God or part of a divine trinity,
corrupting and nullifying his true Message. And they
made his Religion and his followers
into a joke and an amusement for those with
common sense, let alone the most
foolish of people. The plotters and schemers have
changed it into a religion of a pagan
myth, which those with true common sense would
feel ashamed of.
Allaah clarifies this point further in
His saying:
5. “Verily, the example of Jesus in the sight of Allaah is like
the example of
Adam – He created him from dust and then said to him ‘Be’ and he
was. This is
the truth from your Lord, so do not be from those who doubt. So
disputes with you concerning him (i.e. Jesus) after all this
knowledge (about
him) has come to you, say: ‘Come, let us summon our children and
children, our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves
and then
invoke God to send His curses on those of us who is lying.’
Verily, this is the
true story (about Jesus). And there is no God that has the right
to be
worshipped except Allaah. And indeed Allaah is the All-Mighty,
[Qur’aan 3:59-62]
This great example is a decisive proof
that cancels out all the claims of the Christians.
This is because if it is not possible
or correct according to sound minds, religious
doctrines, and innate natures to claim
that Adam, whom God created from dust with
His Hands and breathed into him his
soul, is God or the son of God or part of a divine
trinity, then it is for all the more
reason that such cannot be claimed for Jesus. This is
since the creation of Adam was more
remarkable and amazing than that of Jesus, as
he was created from dust and dust is
not part of the human race.
On the other hand, Jesus was created
from a woman, who is part of the human race,
and she carried him in her womb in the
same manner that woman carry children, and
gave birth to him in the same manner
that women give birth to children. So this is from
the greatest of proofs that invalidate
the false claims and absurd misconceptions of the
As a matter of fact, the angels were
created from light without any fathers or mothers,
and the Devil was created from fire
without any parents. So this is something more
remarkable and indicative of the great
Ability of God, the Creator, Molder and
Originator of the heavens and earth.
Rather, the creation of Eve from the
rib of Adam, without any mother, was more
miraculous than the creation of Jesus,
who was conceived, carried in the womb of a
woman and given birth to just as
normal women give birth to children. So there does
not remain any connection for the
Christians according to every person possessing
intellect, religion and fairness. But
in spite of all this, Jesus, in the eyes of Islaam and
the Muslims is far more superior than
Adam and many of the other prophets and
messengers, according to the Qur’aan
and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. This
is since Jesus is one of the five
messengers possessing strong will and determination,
according to Islaam.
So after all this has been said, what
is it that will change between the Christians and
Islaam, which is the true religion of
God and the religion of Jesus and all of the
prophets? Won’t they realize that the
greatest form of misguidance and disbelief is to
claim that God has a wife and a child,
since this is the biggest insult and debasement
that can be leveled against God, Lord
of all that exists? And the greatest denial of
Jesus is to disbelieve in the true
message that he brought, such as by saying that he is
the son of God, etc., even though he
clearly stated from the very first day that he was
a slave of God who gave him
Revelation, made him a prophet, blessed him wherever
he was and entrusted him with prayer
and charity. These are characteristics that apply
to a created being that is raised and
nurtured and in need of his Lord, submitting
himself to His Majesty and obedient to
His commands.
Do they want the Muslims to put aside
their intellects and thus disbelieve in Allaah and
in what all of the messengers came
with? Do they expect them to choose God’s
Wrath, Severe Punishment and Hellfire,
which He prepared for those who disbelieve in
Him, in exchange for His Contentment
and Reward of Paradise, which was prepared
for those who obey and worship Him
O you Christians with sound intellects
and who are fair and balanced: We call on you
to stand up before God in pairs and
individually and to then reflect on your view on
Islaam, which is the true Religion of
God and the Religion of Jesus and all of the
prophets and messengers. This is the
Islaam that has honored Jesus, treated him with
justice, and given him the due
position he deserves. I am sure that if you do this
sincerely and without any influence
from vain desires, and if you ask God to help you
and seek assistance from what can be
found in your Gospels, even after its distortions
and alterations, you will be guided to
the truth and the reality, which is: that Muhammad is a messenger of God and
the Book that he brought (the Qur’aan) is
nothing but the truth revealed by God.
So whatever He said concerning Jesus
is the truth – that he was a servant and
messenger of God and that God created
him just as He created everyone else –
including the noble messengers – for
the sole purpose of worshipping Him, subjecting
themselves to His Majesty and
submitting themselves to His Grandness.
Below are some examples taken from
your Gospels11
confirm and support what
Muhammad came with from the Qur’aan
and his teachings. In the seventh verse of
Chapter 4 of the Gospel of Mathew, it
1. “Jesus said to him: ‘Again it is written, You shall not tempt
the Lord your
God.’” [Matthew 4:7]
2. In
this same chapter, there occurs a story about Jesus and the Devil, in which the
Devil ordered Jesus to prostrate to
him. So the Messiah Jesus responded to him,
saying: “Be gone Satan, for it is written: 'You shall worship (prostrate
only to) the
Lord your God and Him only shall you serve (i.e. worship).’”
This is what all the messengers came
with and it is the argument that Jesus used
against the Devil. So this clearly
proves that all of the prophets including Jesus and
Muhammad came to establish that God
was One and that He was the Lord and only
One deserving of being worshipped.
Jesus relied on the previously
revealed books (from God) as proof, which state that
God is the only Lord and that He is
the only One who has the right to be worshipped
and prostrated to.
Translator’s Note: The translation
used for Biblical quotes in this booklet are from the Revised
Standard Version of
the Bible, which can be accessed on-line at It should be noted that
currently there are
many translations of the Gospels (New Testament) in the English Language. The
average person can
view the various translations and notice gross changes/alterations in the
interpretation and
translation of many verses of the Bible, not to mention some being left out
completely. This is
a further proof that the Bible has been distorted and altered as confirmed by
God in
His Final
Revelation, the Qur’aan, which He guaranteed to protect and preserve in its
original form.
Allaah says: “Verily,
We sent down the Reminder (the Qur’aan) and We will surely preserve it
corruption).” [Qur’aan 15:9] The likes of this promise
and guarantee from God was not made
for His previous
revelations, hence the obvious and noticeable contradictions in the present-day
of these revealed Books of God – the Torah
and the Gospels.
Similarly, Allaah revealed to
(Prophet) Muhammad: “And We indeed sent to every
nation a messenger (saying to his people): ‘Worship Allaah alone
and avoid the
false deities.’ So amongst them were those whom Allaah guided
and amongst
them were those whose misguidance was justified.” [Qur’aan 16:36]
He also revealed to him: “And We did not send any messenger before you except
that We revealed to him: ‘There is no deity that has the right
to be worshipped in
truth, except Me, so worship Me alone.’” [Qur’aan 23:25]
So these statements that were revealed
to Muhammad are in complete conformity with
what Jesus stated in his reply to the
Devil. It is also in conformity with what Jesus said
when calling the Tribe of Israel: “Verily, Allaah is my Lord and your Lord, so
worship Him. This is the Straight Path.” [Qur’aan 19:36]
And it agrees with what he will say on
the Day of Judgement when his Lord will ask
him: “O
Jesus, son of Mary, did you tell the people: ‘Worship me and my mother
as two gods besides Allaah?’ He will reply: ‘Glory be to You! It
was not for me to
say what I had no right to say. If I had said such a thing, You
would have surely
known about it. You know what is in my inner self though I do
not know what is
in Your Self. Truly, only You are the All-Knowing of all that is
hidden. I did not
tell them anything except for what You commanded me to tell
them, (which was):
Worship Allaah, my Lord and your Lord. And I served as a witness
for them for
as long as I was with them. But when You took me up, You were
the Watcher
over them, and You are a Witness to all things.’” [Qur’aan 5:116-117]
3. In
Chapter 11 of the Gospel of Matthew, verse 25, it states: “At that time Jesus
declared: ‘I thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that
Thou hast hidden
these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them
to babes
So Jesus was one of God’s servants and
messengers. He acknowledged the right of
his Lord who created him and bestowed
His blessings on him, and therefore turned to
Him, in thanks and affirmation that He
alone was the Lord of the heaven and earth.
This is since He is the One who
created these two creations (the heaven and the
earth), as well as everything inside
them, in between them and whatever lies below the
ground. No one else had any part in
this – neither Jesus or anyone else – nor can
anyone rival Him in that matter.
4. In
Chapter 14 of the Gospel of Matthew, verse 23, it states: “And after he had
the crowds, he (Jesus) went up on the mountain by himself to pray.”
Prayer is one of the greatest acts of
worship that can be performed to God, and no
one engages in it except for a lowly
servant who stands in need of the mercy of his
Lord and Creator. This is as Allaah
says in the Qur’aan: “O mankind! It is you who
stand in need of Allaah, whereas Allaah is Rich (free of all
needs), Most
Praiseworthy.” [Qur’aan 35:15]
And Allaah says: “The Messiah (Jesus) will never be too proud to reject being a
servant of God, nor the angels who are the ones close (to Him).
And whoever is
too proud and rejects worshipping Him, then He will gather them
all together
unto Himself.” [Qur’aan 4:172]
So Jesus was a servant of God, and he
was not nor will he ever be too proud to
worship Him. This is his condition and
the condition of all of the prophets and angels.
5. In
Chapter 26 of the Gospel of Matthew, verse 39, it states that the Messiah
(Jesus): “fell on his face and prayed, ‘My Father, if it be possible, let
this cup
pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou wilt.’”
So in this text, there is proof that
Jesus was a servant (worshipper) of God who had no
control over repelling harm from
himself or bringing benefit to himself. And there is
evidence in this text that he sought
refuge in God during times of hardship, seeking
His assistance and humbling himself
before Him, in order to remove the harm and
danger that was approaching him. So he
fell prostrate with his face on the ground,
seeking nearness to Him, lowering
himself before Him, showing his need for Him and
expressing the belief that no one has
the ability to repel harm except Him. This is the
state of all of the messengers, not to
mention all of mankind.
6. In
Chapter 21 of the Gospel of Matthew, verse 46, it states: “But when they tried
to arrest him, they feared the multitudes, since they held him
to be a prophet.”
There is proof in this verse that the
masses of people who believed in God and in
Jesus were monotheists with pure and
sincere faith, and that they believed that Jesus
was a messenger and a prophet. This
proves that their prophet, Jesus, had taught
them this and cultivated them to
believe in that. So they did not used to believe that he
was God or the son of God, since he would not teach the
people these things.
7. In
Chapter 23 of the Gospel of Matthew, verse 10, it states that Jesus said:
“Neither be called masters, for you, even the Messiah, has One
master.” 12
This text resembles the Qur’anic text
in which Allaah informs us that His messenger
Jesus told the Tribe of Israel: “And verily, Allaah is my Lord and your Lord.”
[Qur’aan 3:51]
So Allaah is the Lord of Jesus, as
well as his Master, Nurturer and Owner. He is the
Lord, Master and Owner of all mankind.
The Muslim scholar, Taqee-ud-Deen
al-Hilaalee, pointed out in his treatise “Clear
Evidences” that: Some translators have distorted this text, but that
the English
translation was saved from this
8. In
Chapter 17 of the Gospel of John, verse 3, it states: “And this is the eternal life
– that they know Thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom
Thou hast
This text confirms that which all of
the messengers came with, which was that there is
no deity that has the right to be
worshipped except Allaah, and it confirms that Jesus
was a messenger of God. This was
during his time, and every nation had its own time
and messenger, as Allaah says: “And We did not send any messenger before you
except that We revealed to him: ‘There is no deity that has the
right to be
worshipped in truth, except Me, so worship Me alone.’” [Qur’aan 21:25]
And He says: “And We indeed sent to every nation a messenger (saying to his
people): ‘Worship Allaah alone and avoid the false deities.’” [Qur’aan 16:36]
9. In
Chapter 12 of the Gospel of Mark, verses 28-30, it states: “And one of the
scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and
seeing that he
(Jesus) answered them well, asked him, ‘Which commandment is the
first of
all?’ Jesus answered, ‘The first is: Hear, O Israel! The Lord
our God, the Lord is
One. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind, and with all your strength.'”
This was the first commandment.
Translator’s Note: This text was
adapted from what is found in the Revised Standard Edition of the
Bible to conform to
the original text of this booklet, which was written in Arabic and which
an Arabic translation of the Bible.
And in verse 32 of the same chapter,
it states that: “The scribe said to him, ‘You are
right, teacher. You have truly said that He is One, and there is
no other but He.’”
Then in verse 34 of the same chapter,
it states: “And when Jesus saw that he had
answered wisely, he said to him, ‘You are not far from the
kingdom of God.’”
This first commandment mentioned by
Jesus is the same commandment that Allaah
prescribed to all of His messengers,
including Jesus – and this was the commandment
that the messengers passed on to their
“He has ordained for you the same religion that He ordained for
Noah and which
We revealed to you (O Muhammad) and ordained for Abraham, Moses
and Jesus
– that you should establish the Religion and make no divisions
in it. Intolerable
for the polytheists is that which you call them to.” [Qur’aan 42:13]
The religion that God ordained for
them was the pure monotheistic Faith, which is
represented in the statement: “There is no deity that has the right to be
worshipped except Allaah.” He ordered all of his messengers to
call to this, and it is
that which the polytheists found
difficult to accept and for which reason they fought
against God’s messengers.
This was the same thing that Abraham
and Jacob, also known as Israel, commanded
the people with, as Allaah says: “And remember when Abraham and (his son)
Ishmael were raising the foundations of the House (Ka’bah at
Makkah), saying:
‘Our Lord! Accept this from us. Verily, You are the All-Hearer,
the All-Knower.
Our Lord! Make us submissive unto You, and of our offspring, a
submissive unto You. And show us how to perform the ceremonies
during the pilgrimage (to the Ka’bah), and accept our
repentance. Truly, You are
the One who accepts repentance, the Most Merciful. Our Lord!
Send amongst
them a messenger of their own (i.e. Muhammad), who shall recite
unto them
Your verses and teach them the Book and the Wisdom (Prophetic
and purify them. Verily, You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.’
And who turns
away from the religion of Abraham except for he who fools
himself? Truly, We
chose him in this world and in the Hereafter, he will be among
the righteous.
When his Lord said to him: ‘Submit yourself’, he said: ‘I have
submitted myself
(as a Muslim) to the Lord of all that exists.’ And this
(submission to Allaah) was
enjoined by Abraham upon his sons, and also by Jacob, saying: ‘O
my sons!
Allaah has chosen for you the (true) religion, so do not die
except while you are
Muslims (i.e. submitting to the Will of your Creator).’ Or were
you witnesses
when death approached Jacob? – When he said to his sons: ‘What
will you
worship after me?’ They said: ‘We shall worship your God, the
God of your forefathers – Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac – One God and to Him we
submit (as
Muslims).’” [Qur’aan 2:127-133]
This is truly a tremendous religion,
in which they submitted their will to the Lord of all
that exists, turned to Him in
repentance and sought refuge in Him to make their
offspring an offspring that submit
themselves to God. And they invoked Him to send a
messenger from amongst them to them
who would recite His verses unto them, teach
them the Book and the Wisdom and
purify them – the purification and wisdom that
would keep them far away from
polytheism, foolishness and misguidance. And Allaah
rules here that whoever turns away
from this religion, which is pure monotheism, only
fools himself.
The point derived from this is that
the call of all of the prophets was in harmony in that
they were calls to Monotheism and to
Submission (to God) and that there was no deity
that had the right to be worshipped except
Allaah. They called their nations to this and
counseled those who came after them
from their offspring to abide by this.
The second point we want to focus on
here, was the counsel of Israel, who was also
known as Jacob. The text of the Bible
in this regard is in conformity with the text from
the Qur’aan in that the Biblical text
indicates we should have love for God. This is also
part of Islaam. In fact, the Religion
of Islaam also consists of many aspects and great
deeds apart from love (for the Creator).
Look at how Jesus responded and what
his tremendous counsel was. And look at the
faith of the scribe who had asked the
question looking for an answer to benefit from,
and his statement: “You are right Teacher. You have truly said that He is One, and
there is no other but He.”
And look at how the Messiah responded
to him, saying “You are not far from the
kingdom of God.” This, and Allaah knows best, is a promise
from him that he will be
in Paradise, and it indicates that
anyone who doesn’t believe in the Oneness of God
and that He alone should be worshipped
will not be allowed entry into Paradise. This is
similar to what Allaah says in the
Qur’aan, relaying to us what Jesus said to the Tribe
of Israel: “Worship Allaah, who is my Lord and your Lord. Verily, whoever
ascribes partners to Allaah in worship, Allaah will surely make
forbidden for him and his final abode will be the Hellfire. And
the wrongdoers
will not have any supporters (in Hell).” [Qur’aan 5:72]
Note: According
to the language of the Torah and the Gospels, every righteous and
dutiful follower of God is called a
son of God, so Jesus was not particularized with this
expression of “son of God.”
10. In
Chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew, verse 9, it states: “Blessed are the
peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
11. And
in verse 45 of Chapter 5 of the Gospel of Matthew, it states: “So that you
may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.”
12. In
verse 4 of the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5, it states: “You, therefore, must
be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.”
13. In
Chapter 6 of the Gospel of Matthew, verse 1, it states: “Beware of practicing
your piety before men in order to be seen by them, for then you
will have no
reward from your Father who is in heaven.”
14. In
Chapter 23 of the Gospel of Matthew, verse 9, it states: “And call no man your
father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven.” 13
These verses show that use of the
terms “father” and “son”
refer to the
connection between the Lord and His
servant was a practice established in the Bible
for all people, so the Messiah, Jesus,
was not specifically characterized with this apart
from others. 14
Translator’s Note: The use of the
relationship of Father and Son to refer to the connection between
God and His
righteous servants is not just limited to the New testament of the Bible,
rather, there can be
found proof for it
in the Old Testament as well: “The sons of God saw that the
daughters of men
fair; and they took to wife such of them as they chose.” [Genesis
6:2] “The Nephilim were on
earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the
daughters of
and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the
men of
[Genesis 6:4] “When the Most High gave to the
nations their inheritance, when he
the sons of men, he fixed the bounds of the peoples according to the number of
the sons
God.” [Deuteronomy 32:8] “Now there was a day when the sons
of God came to present
before the Lord, and Satan also came among them.” [Job
1:6] “When the morning
sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” [Job
See “The Clear Evidences” of
Taqee-ud-Deen Al-Hilaalee (pgs. 6-10). Translator’s Note: Further
evidence from the
New Testament that confirms this point that the use of the relationship between
Father and Son as a
substitute for the relationship between God and His servant is as follows: “For
die any more, because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, being sons
of the
[Luke 20:36] “For all who are led by the Spirit
of God are sons of God.” [Romans 8:
14] “But
to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become
children of
[John 1:12] “And not for the nation only, but
to gather into one the children of God who are
abroad.” [John 11:52] “It
is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are
of God.” [Romans 8:16] “…because
the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to
and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God.” [Romans
8:21] “That you may be blameless and
innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and
among whom you shine as lights in the world.” [Philippians
2:15] “See what love the
has given us – that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The
reason why the
does not know us is that it did not know him.” [1
John 3:1] “By this it may be seen who are
children of God, and who are the children of the Devil, Whoever does not do
right is not of
nor he who does not love his brother.” [1 John 3:10] “By
this we know that we love the
children of God, when we love God
and obey his commandment.” [1 John 5:2]
Perhaps all of this was from the
behavior of some of the Jews and Christians, but God
knows best. This is since Allaah says
in the Qur’aan: “The Jews and the Christians
say: ‘We are the children of God and His beloved ones.’ Say: ‘Why
then does He
punish you for your sins?’ Nay, you are but human beings from
those He has
created. He forgives whom He wills and He punishes whom He
wills. And to
Allaah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and all
that is
between them. And to Him is the final return.” [Qur’aan 5:18]
Any fair and balanced person with
sound intellect will realize that the Qur’anic texts we
mentioned contain in them a tribute,
honor, warm reception and high praise for Jesus.
And they confirm that he was a prophet
and a messenger, and that he was one of the
greatest messengers who carried the
banner of Monotheism, called mankind to this
Monotheistic Faith, which means making
all worship purely for God alone, fought
against polytheism, and warned those
who adhere to it (polytheism) that they would
reside eternally in the Hellfire –
what an evil destination!
These verses from the Qur’aan also
show how God absolved Jesus and his mother
from the slander that the Jews accused
them of, how He raised the status of Jesus
and his mother and made the statements
of the Jews against him and his mother to be
considered as disbelief and immense
Furthermore, the texts of the Qur’aan
and the Bible are in conformity with the fact that
Jesus was a servant and messenger of
God. This is a perfect state that no one can
attain except for the great messengers
amongst whom was Jesus. The teachings of
Prophet Muhammad also professed the
same beliefs and the Muslims believed in all
of this. So what then is wrong with
Islaam and the Muslims? There is nothing wrong
with it at all, in the eyes of those
with sound intellects and impartiality. Rather, the
wrong is against God Himself, since
the terrible statement (that Jesus is the son of
God), due to which the heavens are
ready to tear apart, the earth split asunder, and
the mountains fall in ruins is the
opposite of what is indicated in the Qur’aan, the
teachings of Prophet Muhammad and what
the Muslims adhere to, not to mention
what the monotheistic texts still preserved in the Bible
Has not the time come for the
Christians, after hearing all of this, to hasten and rush to
Islaam, especially the intellectual,
educated and free thinking ones amongst them?
We call them again to stand up before
God in pairs and individually, then to reflect on
this tremendous matter – of which
there is no matter greater than it – with firm
determination and impartiality and
earnestly seeking to attain the truth and the reality,
for it is indeed a crucial matter, which
can either lead one to Paradise, the size of
which spans the heavens and the earth,
or to the Hellfire, whose fuel will be men and
stones and which is prepared for those
who disbelieve to reside therein forever. This is
a matter that all of the messengers
agreed on and which is contained in their revealed
books, including Jesus, the servant
and messenger of God.
At this point, it is appropriate for
us to honestly tell you: “O People of the
Come to a word that is just between us and you – that we worship
none but God
alone and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none
of us shall take
others as lords besides God.’ Then if they turn away, say: ‘Bear
witness that we
are Muslims.’” [Qur’aan 3:64]
This is a sincere call that requires
your stern attention. So do not let the enemy of God,
the Devil, divert and impede you from
the objective (of finding out the truth). Verily, the
Devil is a clear and open enemy to
you. And indeed, he only calls his followers to be
from amongst the inhabitants of the
Hellfire, whereas Allaah, the Most Kind and Most
Merciful, calls you to Paradise and to
forgiveness. And Allaah invites you to the abode
of Peace and guides whom He wills to a
Straight Path.
I swear by Allaah that true success
and prosperity in this worldly life and in the
Hereafter can only be found in this
great religion of Islaam, which has been ordained
by Allaah, Lord of all that exists.
And again, I swear by Allaah that in Islaam you will be
able to find solutions for all of the
problems facing mankind today, whether they are
related to beliefs, politics, society,
economy or daily etiquettes. Furthermore, Islaam
eliminates the hostilities, hatred and
malice that a person’s life harvests, and which
may serve to transfer him to the
So there is no religion or methodology
on the face of this earth today that truthfully
contains and consists of what we
stated previously, except for this magnificent religion,
with its miraculous Qur’aan, its
tremendous teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, its
accurate and wise principles
and its firm fundamentals.
Translator’s Note: In the Qur’aan,
Allaah refers to the Jews and Christians as “People
of the
due to the fact that they had been sent messengers with revealed
scriptures – i.e. Moses with
the Torah and Jesus with the Gospels
So I urge you to rush to the real
means that will bring you salvation from misery in this life and the Hereafter,
and salvation from destructive wars and stifling worries.
O Allaah, I ask You to guide these
nations (of Christians) to Your upright Religion and
Your Straight Path, Verily, You are
Able to do all things and Respond to all requests.
There will be a continuation to this
treatise, in which we will clarify the greatness of
Islaam and the truthfulness of the
Messenger of Islaam (Muhammad), as well as him
and his Message being far removed from
extremism and negligence and in conformity
with sound intellects and uncorrupt
innate natures.
[End of the Treatise]
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