Friday, September 27, 2013

The Proper Method to do Wudu (Ablution) According to Sunnah


Allah orders "O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salât (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to ankles. If you are in a state of Janâba (i.e. had a sexual discharge), purify yourself (bathe your whole body). But if you are ill or on a journey or any of you comes from answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (i.e. sexual intercourse) and you find no water, then perform Tayammum with clean earth and rub therewith your faces and hands. Allâh does not want to place you in difficulty, but He wants to purify you, and to complete His Favour on you that you may be thankful. (Al-Mâ'idah 5:6, Also see At-Tauba 9:108, 9:28, Al-Baqarah 2:222)

Also - Ibn 'Umar (radhiAllaahu 'anhumaa) said: Indeed I heard Rasoolullah (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) say: Allaah does not accept Prayer without purification (Wudho or when required then - Ghusl), nor Sadaqah from illegally attained wealth. [Muslim (1/160) and others]



Yes in the hadeeth narrated by Humraan the freed slave of ‘Uthmaan, who said that ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan (RA) called for water to do wudu’.He washed his hands three times, then he rinsed his mouth and nose, then he washed his face three times, then he washed his right arm up to the elbow three times, then he washed his left arm likewise. Then he wiped his head (once), then he washed his right foot up to the ankle three times, then he washed his left foot likewise.

Then he said, “I saw the Messenger of Allaah (SAWW) doing wudu’ as I have done it, then the Messenger of Allaah (SAWW) said, ‘Whoever does wudu’ as I have done it, then prays two rak’ahs in which he focuses completely on his prayer, his previous sins will be forgiven.’”

[Narrated in the Book Sahih Muslim, al-Tahaarah, 331]

Note. The water must also be pure (taahir), for impure (naajis by dog , urine, stool, drainage water and etc ) water cannot be used for wudu’. One must also remove anything that could prevent water from reaching the skin and nails, such as nail polish . paint, mud and etc.

Also, some warnings, rules and regulations are mentioned in the end so please read it



Miswaak : 

Narrated Zayd ibn Khalid al-Juhani: 
I heard the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) say: Were it not hard on my ummah, I would order them to use the tooth-stick at the time of every prayer. AbuSalamah said: Zayd ibn Khalid used to attend the prayers in the mosque with his tooth-stick on his ear where a clerk carries a pen, and whenever he got up for prayer he used it
Sunan Abi Dawud 47, Saheeh]

To know the umpteen virtues and benefits of Miswaak both scientifically as well as in accordance to Islam, click here :

Note: Wudu can be done by washing the body parts either once , twice or thrice because we have narrations proving this. [Ref: Saheeh Bukhari 1:159, 1:160, Saheeh Muslim :230, ] But i will be enlisting the method which is considered to be the best or in other words mustahab as per scholars and that is washing 3 times except wiping of the head

One must always begin with the right hand side first and then the left because this is the method taught by the prophet of Allah (s.a.w) and also because Aisha (r.a) said, "Prophet of Allah (s.a.w) used to like to begin with the right in putting on shoes, combing his hair, in purification and in all of his affairs." (Sahih - Al-Bukhari, Muslim, and others)

You must have the intention of purifying yourself and removing impurity. i.e when u actually go to the washroom/bathroom etc to make wudhu, but obviously you would be having the intention in your heart that you are doing wudhu for salah. The intention should not be spoken out verbally either loudly or slowly because its place is in the heart and Neither the Prophet (s.a.w) nor his companions ever utterd their niyat verbally (silently/loudly) for wudu or salah and this applies to all acts of worship. 

(ii) You should say Bismillaah (In the Name of Allah) Once Only. 

[Ref : Abu Dawood, Book no. 1, Hadeeth# 101]

Prophet (s.a.w) said "He who does not start Wudu (Ablution) by Allah's name his Wudu is invalid" [Ref: Ibn Majah 397, chain Hassan, Hakim in al Mustadrak 147/1]

He (s.a.w) said to his followers "Perform Ablution with Wudu" [Ref: Nisai’: 61/1: H: 78: Chain Sahih, Ibn Khuzaimah: 74/1: H: 144 and Sahih Ibn Hibban (al Ihsan: 6544/6510)] 


The majority of the scholars agree that Wudhu' is correct, even without saying Bismillah, while some of the scholars hold that the Tasmiyyah is obligatory, so long as one knows and remembers it, based upon what was reported from the Prophet (Salallahou ‘aleyhi wa salam): “There is no Wudhu' for the one who does not mention Name of Allah upon it” (At-Tirmithi no. 25 and Ibn Majah nos. 397, 398, 399).

But whoever left it due to forgetfulness, or ignorance, his Wudhu' is correct, and he does not need to repeat it, even if we accept that the Tasmiyyah is obligatory, because it is excused due to ignorance or forgetfulness. 

Thus the strongest opinion is that it is not obligatory but Mustahab (highly recommended) or lets say Wajib

Those who say Basmallah is not obligatory put forward the below proofs :

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) taught a man how to do wudoo’, and said to him: “Do wudoo’ as Allah has commanded you.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 302; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi, 247). This is referring to the words of Allah (interpretation of the meaning): 

“O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salaah (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to the ankles....” [Al-Maa'idah 5:6] 

And there is no mention of saying Bismillaah in what Allah commands here. See al-Majmoo’ by al-Nawawi, 1/346 

Abu Dawood (856) narrated a more complete version of this hadeeth, which more clearly demonstrates that it is not obligatory to say Bismillaah when doing wudoo’. 

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH)  said: The prayer of any one of you is not complete unless he does wudoo’ properly as enjoined by Allah. So he should wash his face and his hands up to the elbows, and wipe his head, and wash his feet up to the ankles…” 

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not mention saying Bismillaah, which indicates that it is not obligatory.  See al-Sunan al-Kubra by al-Bayhaqi, 1/44 

Many of those who described the wudoo’ of the Prophet (PBUH) did not mention that he said Bismillaah; if it was obligatory it would have been mentioned. [See al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 1/130 ]

This is the view favoured by many of the Hanbalis such as al-Khuraqi and Ibn Qudaamah. [See al-Mughni, 1/145; al-Insaaf, 1/128 ]

Among contemporary scholars, this view is favoured by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem and Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on them both). 

See: Fataawa al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem, 2/39; al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 1/130, 300) 

Imam Ahmad was asked about saying Bismillaah when doing wudoo’, and he said: There is no sound hadeeth concerning that, and I do not know of any hadeeth that has a jayyid (good) isnaad to support that. Al-Mughni, 1/145 

See al-Sunan al-Kubra by al-Bayhaqi, 1/43; al-Majmoo’, 1/343; Talkhees al-Habeer, 1/72 

However, the correct opinion is that the hadeeth is differed upon, and it is mustahab or wajib to say basmallah before wudu and there is no perfect wudu' without basmallah [See al-Majmoo’, 1/347; al-Mughni, 1/146] But one must avoid taking risks and thus should take great effort not to miss out uttering bismillah before wudu'

(iii) Then you should wash your hands 3 times up to (and including) the wrists

[Ref : Sahih Bukhari: 159,226 Sahih Muslim : 226 , Abu Dawood : 142]

During Wudu, wash the space between fingers (of hands and feet) [Ref: Abu Dawud: 142: chain Hasan [Trimidhi: 39: and said “This Hadith is Hasan Ghareeb”]

(iv) Then you should rinse your mouth 3 times, swirling the water around inside your mouth,

[Ref : Sahih Bukhari : 159, 191, 199, Sahih Muslim : 226, 235]

(v) Then Rinse your nose 3 times by letting water in to your nostrils as much as you can and then blowing the water out and using the left hand to remove/clean the water from your nose.

[Ref : Sahih Bukhari : 159, 191, 199, Sahih Muslim : 226, 235]

(vi) Then you should wash you face three times, from the top hairline (i.e. covering the forehead completely) to the jawbone and chin, and from the right earlobe to the left earlobe. A man should wash the hair of his beard because it is part of the face. If his beard is thin he has to wash it inside and out, and if it is thick and covers the skin, he should wash the surface of it only and run his wet fingers through it.

[Ref : Sahih Bukhari : 159, Sahih Muslim :226, Tirmidhi : 31- Hassan, For Khilaal in beard see - Saheeh Ibn Majah :345, Saheeh Abu Dawood : 98]

(vii) Then he should wash his arms up to the elbows three times. First wash the right arm and then wash the Left arm. The arm extends from the fingertips, including the nails, to the lower part of the elbow . It is essential to remove anything stuck to the hands before washing them, such as dough, mud, paint, color, etc, that could prevent the water from reaching the skin.

[Ref : Sahih Bukhari: 159, Sahih Muslim : 226]

(viii) Now comes the turn of the head . The way in which the head is to be wiped is that you wet (both) your hands and put your wet hands at the front of your head (i.e. at the top/ begining of your fore head / hairline) and bring them to the back of your head i.e. till the end of your hairline and then bring them back to the place where you started This is done Once Only

[Ref : Sahih Bukhari : 159, 185, Sahih Muslim :235, 226, Abu Dawood: 111, Sunan Ibn Majah : Chapter no. 2 : Hadith no. 416] 

(ix) Then wipe the inside of your ears with your index fingers and wipe the back (portion) of the ears ( i.e behind the ears ) with your thumbs
and the front of his ears with the index fingers. This is also done Once Only 

[Ref : Abu Dawood : 135, 123]

When Abdullah ibn Umer (رضي الله عنهما) performed Wudu he used to put both fingers of Shahada (index fingers) in his ears (and with them) wiped interior of (both the ears) and with thumb wiped the exterior parts. [Ref: Musnaf ibn Abi Shayba: H: 173: Chain Sahih]

Note for Sunnah: Abdullah-Ibn-Zaid-Ibn-Aasim-Al-Maazini narrated,“That, he saw Allah does Messenger perform wudu…….. he wiped his head with fresh water, not the water left (remaining) from washing his hands…”  

[Ref: Saheeh Muslim - Book of Purification : Wudu' of Allah's messenger - 1:47 ]

Note for Women : With regard to a woman’s hair, she should wipe it whether it is loose or braided from the front of her head to the roots of the hair at the nape of her neck, but she does not have to wipe the entire length of her hair. This is also to be done Once Only

If you are a female and a non-mahram male (or any non-Muslim who you believe may describe you to others) may see you (such as in a public bathroom, etc.), do not remove your hijab or niqab... keep it on and wipe over it because of the hadith :

a) Bilal reported that the Prophet (s.a.w) said, "Wipe over your shoes and head covering." (Related by Ahmad)

b) Said 'Amru ibn Umayyah, "I saw the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) wipe over his turban .....(cont.) " (Related by Ahmad, al-Bukhari and Ibn Majah).

c) Umm Salamah (r.a) used to wipe over her head cover . (See'al-Mughnee' - Ibn Mundhir)

(x) Then you should wash each of your feet three times. First we should wash the Right Foot and then the Left foot. Wash the right feet upto (and including) the ankles three times. You should enter the water between the toes with your little finger and then wash the foot (note not just wipe your feet but wash them) and make sure you wash the sole (bottom) of the foot and your heals. Make sure no parts of the foot is left dry at all. Then Wash the left feet same as the right foot also three times.

[Ref : Sahih Bukhari : 159, Sahih Muslim : 226, Abu Dawood : 142/1486,148, Tirmidhi 147]

(xi) Now your done with completing washing your body parts according to the method taught by rasool (s.a.w). 

Note : Aisha narrated,“Allah‟s Messenger had a piece of cloth (e.g handkerchief) he used to dry (himself), after the wudhu with it.” 

[Ref: Al Tirmidhi, Hakim and Authenticated (Hasan) by Albani in Saheeh Al Jami' : 4830] 


First of All, this is a matter of Fiqh and not Aqeeda so i advice all our Muslim brothers and sisters to not be harsh, violent, or to exaggerate in such minute matters of differences among the Ummah . Don't forget before a shaa'fi, Hanafi, Ahlul Hadeeth and etc, you all are Muslims in faith and brothers in religion and hurting a brother for such small issues is disliked , so speak/discuss/convey politely and your job will be done in sha allah. 

Many people mostly from the Indian subcontinent wipe the back ends or the nape of the necks during wudu, not knowing that there is not a single authentic report proving this (action). 

Few scholars (like Al Ghazaali , Ibn al-Qâs, Al Bhagawee , Hanafee scholars and etc May Allah have mercy on them)  have used analogy (Qiyas) or relied upon weak ahadeeth in this connection and thereby supported the verdict of wiping the nape which is a wrong Ijtihaad/act on their behalf claiming it to be either sunnah, mustahab or otherwise.

Those who use Qiyaas, rely upon the hadeeth of 'Abd Allah ibn Zaid (Allah be pleased with him) who stated that "The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) began wiping from the top of his forehead until his qafa (the back of his head), and then returned them to where he began from. [Bukhari: 179; Muslim: 346]

Here they gave different interpretations of the word Qafa [See: Shaykh Zada, Majma` al-Anhur, 1.15; al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, 1.9, Al Sarkhaasi in his Mabsut, al-Khatib al-Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdad, 7.82, Dar al-Kutub al-`Ilmiyya and etc] but to establish something as a part of Sunnah, qiyas is not a valid tool in this case as we have reports indicating otherwise (i.e the opp. of such interpretations) 

Some rely on weak ahadeeth, one of which is said to be reported on the Authority of Ibn umar (r.a) which states that "He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) wiped his head until he reached the back of his head (which is the beginning of the back of the head),” was narrated by Abu Dawood (132) and was classed as da’eef by al-Albaani in Da’eef Abi Dawood

Another such report says the Prophet (s.a.w) said "Whoever performs wudû’ and wipes over the nape of his neck, he will be saved from wearing a chain around his neck on the the Day of Judgment” but even this hadeeth is weak. 

Majority of the scholars and Muhaditheen are in agreement to the weakness of such narrations which speak about the virtue of wiping over the neck during the wudu' and also declare that there is no saheeh hadeeth describing that wiping the nape or the back portion of the neck is a part of sunnah during wudu'. I will mention some scholars who support this view and they are :

1) Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 21/127. 

2) Al Sha'afi , Ahmad and Malik 

3) Imam Al Nawawi in In al-Majmoo’ (1/489)

4) Ibn al-Qayyim said in Zaad al-Ma’aad (1/195) 

5) Abû Muhammad al-Juwaynî in [al-Talkîs al-Habîr (1/134-135 # 97)]

6) Al-Qâdî Abû al-Tayyib [al-Talkîs al-Habîr (1/134-135 # 97)]

7) Al-Qâdî Husayn [al-Talkîs al-Habîr (1/134-135 # 97)]

8) Ibn Hajar (r.h) himself accepted this is not from the sunnah (In Takhlis) when he refuted those who considered wiping over the nape to be a recommended act by saying "However, there is no basis for declaring it a preferable act except a report from the Prophet or a Companion, since there is no place for analogical reasoning (Qiyas) in this matter.”  

9) Al-Fawrânî , Ibn Salah (who affirmed that this is not a sunnah), Ibn Ruf'ah and others

To conclude i will quote Ibn Taymiyah (r.h) who said 

There is no saheeh report from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) which says that he wiped his neck during wudoo’, rather no such thing has been narrated from him in any saheeh hadeeth. Rather the saheeh ahaadeeth which describe the wudoo’ of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) do not mention that he wiped his neck. Hence the majority of scholars, such as Maalik, al-Shaafa’i and Ahmed did not regard that as mustahabb. Those who say that it is mustahabb rely on a report narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) or a da’eef (weak) hadeeth which says that he wiped his head until he reached the back of his head. Such reports cannot be relied on, and it does not contradict what is indicated by the sound ahaadeeth. Whoever does not wipe his neck, his wudoo’ is valid according to scholarly consensus. [Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 21/127]

Some claim that Ibn Hajar (r.h) have authenticated this hadeeth in his work Takhlis al Habeer (vol. 1 Pg 192) but this is a false accusation on him, the refute for which is written below

The following is what he (Ibn Hajar) says about this matter inal-Talkîs al-Habîr (1/134-135 # 97) :

It is narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever wipes over the nape of his neck is saved from the neck-chain.” 

Abû Muhammad al-Juwaynî quotes it and then says: “The scholars of hadîth do not look favorably upon its chain of transmission There has been disagreement as to whether the practice is a Sunnah or a nicety (something done as good manners or a voluntary (nafil) recommendation) .” 

However, the Imam [al-Haramayn] counters this by saying – as we summarize – that the students [of al-Shâfi`î] had no need to disagree about the ruling when the hadîth that indicates it is weak. 

Al-Qâdî Abû al-Tayyib says: “There is nothing established in the Sunnah to support it.” 

Al-Qâdî Husayn says: “There is nothing in the Sunnah to support this practice.” 

Al-Fawrânî says: “There is no narration to support it.” 

Al-Ghazâlî quotes this hadîth in al-Wasît and then Ibn al-Salâh comments on it saying: “This hadîth is unknown from the Prophet (peace be upon him). It is rather the statement of one of the Pious Predecessors.” 

Al-Nawawî says in [al-Majmû`] Sharh al-Muhadhdhab: “This hadîth is fabricated. These are not the Prophet’s words.” 

In another place, he writes, “There is nothing authentic related about this from the Prophet (peace be upon him). It is not Sunnah. Rather, it is an innovation. Al-Shâfi`î did not mention it, nor did the majority of the students. It was only mentioned by Ibn al-Qâs and a small minority. Ibn al-Ruf`ah raised the objection that al-Baghawî, who is a leading hadîth scholar, considered it to be a preferable act. However, there is no basis for declaring it a preferable act except a report from the Prophet or a Companion, since there is no place for analogical reasoning in this matter.” 

Perhaps, al-Baghawî relied in this matter on what Ahmad and Abû Dâwûd narrated from Talhah b. Masraf from his father that his grandfather saw the Prophet (peace be upon him) wipe over his head until he reached the ociput and the nape of the neck. However, this has a weak chain of transmission, as we have already discussed. 

As for the person from the Pious Predecessors that Ibn al-Salâh mentions, perhaps he is referring to what Abû `Ubayd relates in Kitâb al-Tahûr from `Abd al-Rahmân b. Mahdî from al-Mas`ûdî from al-Qâsim b. `Abd al-Rahmân from Mûsâ b. Talhah who said: 

“Whoever wipes the nape of his neck along with his head is protected from the neck-chain on the Day of Resurrection.” 

It is possible to say that though it is a chain of transmission that stops at a Companion, it has the strength of a hadîth that goes back to the Prophet, since it is not something that can be said on the basis of personal opinion. This would make it mursal. 

[This is the entry for this hadîth, quoted in full from al-Talkhîs al-Habîr as published by Maktabah Nizâr al-Bâz, first edition – Mecca and Riyadh: 1997]


Thus as one reads above, Ibn Hajar does not mention the strength of the chain of transmission for Musa ibn Talhah’s statement. It is weak, since it contains the narrator al-Mas`udi who was known to confuse his narrations and hence The claim that Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalaani declared the hadîth is authentic is a false claim, as the above quote from al-Talkhîs al-Habîr establishes. 


Jabir (r.a.) reported: ‘Umar b. Khattab said that a person performed ablution and left a small part equal to the space of a nail (unwashed). The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) saw that and said: Go back and perform ablution well. He then went back (performed ablution well) and offered the prayer. [Sahih Muslim, book 2, Hadith no 474]

‘Abdullah b. ‘Amr (r.a.) reported: We returned from Mecca to Medina with the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him), and when we came to some water on the way, some of the people were in a hurry at the time of the afternoon prayer and performed ablution hurriedly; and when we reached them, their heels were dry, no water had touched them. The Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: Woe to (dry) heels, because of Hell−fire. Make your ablution thorough. [Sahih Muslim, book 2, no 468]


Abu Huraira (r.a) reported that the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said "You shall have your faces, hands and feet bright on the Day of Resurrection because of your perfect ablution. He who can afford among you, let him increase the brightness of his forehead and that of hands and legs. [Sahih Muslim, book 2, no 477, 478]

The prophet (s.a.w) also said "Whoever performs ablution in an excellent manner (does not mean extravagantly), then his sins will depart from his body even from beneath his fingernails."
[Sahih Muslim 245]
The prophet (s.a.w) also said "The adornment of a believer will reach wherever his ablution reaches."

[Sahih Muslim 250]

Yahya related to me from Malik from Zayd ibn Aslam from Ata ibn Yasar from Abdullah as-Sanabihi that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "A trusting slave does wudu and as he rinses his mouth the wrong actions leave it. As he cleans his nose the wrong actions leave it. As he washes his face, the wrong actions leave it, even from underneath his eyelashes. As he washes his hands the wrong actions leave them, even from underneath his fingernails. As he wipes his head the wrong actions leave it, even from his ears. And as he washes his feet the wrong actions leave them, even from underneath the toenails of both his feet." He added, "Then his walking to the mosque and his prayer are an extra reward for him."[Muwatta Maalik Chapter no.2 - Purity, Hadith no.31]

The prophet (s.a.w) said " Shall I not tell you about a deed with which Allah will expiate your sins and raise your status?

They said, “Of course, O Messenger of Allah.” He said:

Performing ablution when it is difficult, taking many steps to the mosque, and waiting for one prayer after another; that is like guarding the frontier.

[Sahih Muslim, 251]


A desert Arab came to Allah's Apostle and asked him about ablution. He demonstrated (washing each part of his body) thrice, and then said: That is (the method)of the ablution. And he who does more than this has done wrong, transgressed the limit and has oppressed (himself).

[Ref: Tirmidhi #417, Transmitted by Nasa'i, Ibn Majah, and AbuDawud transmitted something to the same effect ]

This hadith shows that adding or doing anything as an action of wudu which the prophet (s.a.w) didn't teach is a sin/rejected.



1) "أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إلَّا اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ"

Ashhadu an laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasooluhu. (Ref: Sahih Muslim 1/209)

I bear witness that there is no god except Allaah alone, with no partner or associate, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger

Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "There is no one amongst you who does wudu' and does it properly and does it well THEN he says (the dua mentioned above) Except the gates of Paradise will be opened to him and he may enter through whichever of them he wishes." 

[Ref: Sahih Muslim 234/17]

2) "اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنِي مِنَ التَّوَّابِينَ وَاجْعَلْنِي مِنَ الْمُتَطَهِّرِينَ".

Allaahummaj'alnee minat-tawwaabeena waj'alnee minal-mutatahhireen

[Ref : At-Tirmithi  55 or 1/78 mentioned dua'a no. 1 along with this addition]

O Allah, make me among those who turn to You in repentance, and make me among those who are purified.

Some scholars have classified the above dua as weak to due its sanad (because its chain is broken it is weak. Abu Idrees al Khulani & Abu Uthman (saeed bin hani/Musnad al Farooq of Ibn Katheer 111/1) both heard nothing from Umar , See Shaikh Zubair Alee Zaee's work :Anwar us Saheefah fee Ahadith ad-dhaeefah (T: 55) for details whereas some have classified it as sahih (see sahih tirmidhi 1/18 by Albani)

3) "سُبْحَانَكَ اللَّهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ، أَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْكَ".

Subhaanaka Allaahumma wa bihamdika, 'ash-hadu 'an laa 'ilaaha 'illaa 'Anta, 'astaghfiruka wa 'atoobu 'ilayk. 

[Ref: An-Nasa'i in Sunan Al Kubra 9909, 'Amal ul-Yawm wal-Laylah, p. 173 or H: 80 : Sahih, Al Hakim and Al Dhahabi authenticated it in Mustadrak al Hakim: 564/1: H: 2072, Al Hafidh Ibn Hajar said isnaadu Saheeh in Nataijul Afkaar: 245/1, Also Al-Albani, 'Irwa'ul-Ghalil 1/135 and 2/94]

Glory is to You, O Allah, and praise; I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but You. I seek Your forgiveness and turn to You in repentance.


A)  Relieving onself from the call of nature (Urine or excrete) [See : Qur'an 5:6, Trimidhi: 3535: and said Hasan Sahih: and it is Hasan]

B) Passing gas, i.e. breaking wind 

Abu Hurairah  reported that the Messenger of Allah  said, "Allah does not accept the prayer of a person who has released gas until he makes a new ablution." A person from Hadhramaut asked Abu Hurairah, "What does releasing gas mean?" He answered, "Wind with or without sound [Ref: Al Bukhari and Muslim] 

C) Eating Camel meat : Old or young, male or female, cooked or raw

The hadeeth of al-Baraa’: the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about eating camel meat. He said, “Do wudoo’ after eating it.” (Narrated by Abu Dawood, 184; al-Tirmidhi, 81. Classed as saheeh by Imaam Ahmad and Ishaaq ibn Raahawayh, Also see Muslim 360).

D) Deep Sleep (such as one how one sleeps in the night as if in a state of unconsciousness)  

Based upon the narration of Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah, on the authority of 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, in which he said: Allah's Messenger (Salallahou ‘aleyhi wa salam) said: “The eye is the drawstring of the anus, so whoever sleeps should make Wudhu' “ [Abu Dawud no. 203 , Ibn Majah no. 477 and Ahmad 1: 111, Also see Trimidhi: 3535: and said Hasan Sahih: and it is Hasan. A similar hadeeth further strengthening this hadeeth is the hadith of Muawiyah (r.a) reported in Ahmad 4 :96, Ad-Darimi no. 722 and An-Nasa'i in Al-Kubra no. 582]

E) Sexual relations or Ejaculating (both for male and female) 

One must perform ghusl after sexual relations, i.e. when the male private part enters the female private part or when one ejaculates or even if the couple has oral sex and this is agreed upon. [Ref: Sahih Bukhari: 132 and Muslim: 303]

F) Washing a dead person. 

Abu Hurayah reported that the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said, "Whoever washes the dead should take a ghusl, and whoever carries the corpse should make wudhu." [Sunan Abi Dawud, vol. 2, p. 898, #3155]

G) Touching a private part/organ without a barrier on purpose (i.e not by mistake)

"Whoever touches his sexual organ without any covering (between them) must perform ablution." (Reported by Ahmad, Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim, who classified it as sahih (authentic), as did Ibn `Abdul-Barr).

Ibn As-Sakin said, "That Hadith is from the best of what has been related on this topic." Ash-Shaf'i related: "Any man who touches his penis must perform ablution. Any woman who touches her vagina must perform ablution." Commenting on its authenticity, Ibn Al-Qayyim quotes Al-Hazimi as saying, "That chain is sahih." 



A’ishah reported that Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) kissed her while he was fasting and said, "Kissing does not nullify the ablution, nor does it break the fast."  [Related by Ishaq ibn Rahawaih and al-Bazzar with a good chain.  Evaluating its authenticity, 'Abdul-Haqq says, "I do not know of any defect in the hadith that could cause its rejection."] 

A’ishah also said, "One night, I missed Allah’s Messenger in my bed, and so went to look for him. I put my hand on the bottom of his feet while he was praying and saying, 'O Allah, I seek refuge in Your pleasure from Your anger, in Your forgiveness from Your punishment, in You from You. I cannot praise you as You have praised Yourself.’(Reported by Muslim and At-Tirmidhi, who classified it as sahih)

and she also reported, “The Prophet kissed some of his wives and went to Prayer, without performing ablution." (Reported by Ahmad and "the four'' and its narrators are trustworthy.)

She also said, "I would sleep in front of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) with my feet in the direction of the qiblah (to him). When he prostrated, he would touch me, and I would move my feet." In another narration it says, “When he wanted to prostrate, he would touch my legs.”


This involves bleeding due to a wound, cupping or a nosebleed, and regardless of the quantity of blood.

Al-Hassan says, "The Muslims used to pray even while wounded." (Reported by Al-Bukhari) 

He also reported, "Ibn `Umar squeezed a pimple until it bled, but he did not renew his ablution. Ibn Abi `Uqiyy spat blood and continued his Prayer. `Umar ibn Al-Khattab prayed while blood was flowing from him. `Ibbad ibn Bishr was hit with an arrow while praying, but continued his Prayers." (Reported by Abu Dawud, Ibn Khuzaimah, and Al-Bukhari.)


Regardless of whether the amount of vomit is great or small, there is no authentic Hadith stating that it nullifies ablution.

4. Talking during / after wudu', Laughing, etc does not break one's wudu, but laughing out loud does break one's salah 

3) When is Ghusl Required and how is it done :

4) How to do Tayammum when theres no water :


  • It is important that you do the Wudu' step wise as mentioned above and not change the sequence or method AT ALL !

  • Please note it is not proven from any Sahih Hadith that Prophet (s.a.w) recited any dua in between while making wudu. He recited it only after completing his wudhu (which are already mentioned above) 

mistakes were mine and All good is from Allah. May Allah have mercy on the one who corrects me

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